Current Students

Graduate Students

Katherine Gnall, B.A.

Katherine is a doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology program at the University of Connecticut with a focus in health psychology. Her primary research interests include the relationship between stress and health behaviors, as well as  mechanisms of change in mind-body interventions. She also has a particular interest in the management of chronic illness, especially chronic pain. She is currently completing health psychology practicums at both the Neag Comprehensive Cancer Clinic and the Newington VA. Additionally, she will begin an NCCIH-funded F31 fellowship examining interoceptive awareness as a mechanism of change in physical activity interventions for individuals with chronic low back pain.


Zachary Magin, B.A.

Zach is a doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology program at the University of Connecticut, specializing in Health Psychology and Quantitative Research Methods. Prior to starting the program, Zach earned his B.A. in Psychology from Bates College in 2018. His research interests comprise the physiological effects of stress on health and disease risk/progression and protective pathways of psychosocial resilience factors. 



Cali Salafia, M.A.

Cali is a doctoral student in the department of Human Development and Family Sciences at UConn. She completed her Masters' degree in Health Psychology from Central Connecticut State University in 2020. She entered the program in 2020, specializing in health, well-being, and prevention. Her research interests relate to the psychosocial factors and adjustment to chronic illness for both patients and their families. She is also interested in medical decision making and communication surrounding cancer risk and treatment, as well as the role of social media in health.